Japanese Anime Symphonic Concert
In the pre-millennial era, Fujiko F. Fujio portrayed the friendship between Doraemon and Nobita; the story of the passionate youths from Shohoku High began; Luffy and his crew embarked on their great journey. Years later, the BGM behind the phrase "There's only one truth" still plunges us into those storylines.
This concert will put together classic anime of different generations, from Doraemon and Slam Dunk to Demon Slayer and Spy x Family. The KCWO will perform the iconic music from classic anime, bringing you back to those wonderful memories.
◆ 鬼滅之刃-無限列車編
Demon Slayer
◆ 你的名字
Your Name
◆ 天氣之子
Weathering With You
◆ 鈴芽之旅
◆ 航海王
One Piece
◆ 哆啦A夢
◆ 灌籃高手
Slam Dunk
◆ 咒術迴戰
Jujutsu Kaisen
◆ 名偵探柯南
Detective Conan
◆ 間諜家家酒
National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts (Weiwuying) – Concert Hall
National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts (Weiwuying) – Concert Hall
National Theater & Concert Hall, R.O.C. – National Concert Hall
Conductor|WANG Chan
Performance|Kaohsiung City Wind Orchestra
Host|Yorke SUN
Price| 500/800/1000/1200 / 1500
Ticket| Opentix