The Splendid Movements


This concert will feature three woodwind soloists. Clarinet players I-Chun Chen and Yi-Hsin Weng will perform Mangani’s “Concert Pieces for Two Clarinets”. Flutist Shang-jung Lin will perform Mower’s Flute Concerto. In addition, 2024 marks the 150th anniversary of Holst’s birth, and we will perform his classic “First Suite”. This concert will also include Respighi’s “Feste Romane”. This performance will showcase brilliant and splendid woodwind solos and the magnificent sound of wind orchestra, bringing our audience a festive musical feast.

◆ 古斯塔夫·霍爾斯特:降E大調第一組曲為軍樂隊,作品二十八第一號

Gustav·Holst: First Suite for Military Band in E-Flat major Op. 28-1

◆ 米凱萊·曼加尼:給兩位單簧管的協奏曲

Michele Mangani: Concert piece for Two Clarinets

◆ 邁克·莫爾:長笛協奏曲

Mike Mower: Concerto for Flute and Wind Orchestra

◆ 奧托里諾·雷史畢基:羅馬節慶交響詩

Ottorino Respighi: Feste Romane

* 主辦單位保有曲目異動之權利


National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts (Weiwuying) – Concert Hall

Conductor|WANG Chan

Clarinet|CHEN I-Chun、WENG Yi-Hsin

Flute|LIN Shang-Jung

Kaohsiung City Wind Orchestra

Price| 600/800/1000/1200 / 2000

