Peter and the Wolf-Concert for Kids
A musical fantasy adventure is about to embark. KCWO’s Concert for Kids will bring you a musical journey filled with wonder and joy.
Prokofiev’s “Peter and the Wolf” portrays the adventure of Peter and his friends with various instruments. The diverse timbres of different instruments bring each character to life.
Furthermore, this concert will feature other interesting works, including the piece that we specially crafted for children, “Mirror”. Through music, we want to inspire children’s curiosity and encourage them to explore the world.
◆ 周宣宏:給兒童的管樂曲-神奇的鏡子
Hsuan-Hung Chou: A Wind Orchestra Pieces for Kids-Mirror
◆ 埃理克‧莫拉萊斯:雙小號協奏曲第三樂章
Erik Morales: Concerto for Two Trumpets Mvt. III
◆ 普羅高菲夫:彼得與狼
Prokofiev: Peter and the Wolf
National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts (Weiwuying) – Concert Hall
Conductor|WANG Chan
Performance|Kaohsiung City Wind Orchestra
Price| 400/600/800
A musical fantasy adventure! Planting the seeds of music in children!