Cheng-Hsuan Chien
Bass Trombone

Cheng-Hsuan Chien was born in Xingang, Chiayi County. In 1999, he studied at National Chiayi Senior High School and began to play trombone, enlightened by Mr. Sung, Kuang-Ching and Mr. Kao, Tsung-Wen. In 2002, he studied at the department of music in National Kaohsiung Normal University, instructed by Prof. Tsai, Chia-Jung. In 2009, he studied at University of Music and Theatre Leipzig in Germany, taught by Mr. Helge von Niswandt, and granted the diploma of trombonist in 2012.
After returning to Taiwan, he has not only enthusiastically participated in ensemble performance but also devoted himself to teaching the wind orchestra in Chiayi area, and presently a member of Chiasong Ensemble and Kaohsiung City Wind Orchestra. So far, he has advanced his study at the graduate school of conducting at the department of music in National Kaohsiung Normal University, advised by Prof. Wang, Chang.