Chi-Yin Lin

CHI-YIN LIN A native of Taiwan, she received her Master of Music and Bachelor of Music degrees in oboe performance from National Kaohsiung Normal University, Taiwan, studied with Prof. Akris Hung. Ms. Lin has been active in solo, chamber music, and orchestral performances. She has been admitted to Kaohsiung Symphony Orchestra and Taitung County Symhony Orchetra, Taiwan. In addition to performance, Ms. Lin has taught two wind bands since 2016 at Private Minsheng Home Economics & Commercial Vocational High School and Pingtung County Nanjhou Junior High School. Ms. Lin is currently member of the Kaohsiung City Wind Orchestra and a conductor of the Pingtung County Nanjhou Junior High School Wind Band. Also, Ms. Lin is teaching at National Chaochou Senior High School, Kaohsiung Municipal Kaohsiung Vocational High School of Commerce, and Kaohsiung Citizens Band.