
Wan Chin Yang is a Taiwanese clarinetist who was born in Kaohsiung, and was graduated from Kaohsiung Municipal Kaohsiung Senior High School music-talented class, and got Bachelor's and Master's Degrees in Music Arts, National Sun Yat-sen University, under the guidance of the professor Chiao Hui Yang.
During her time at school, she won prize of The Phi Tau Phi and several scholarships, and actively participated in various types of performances, including solo, chamber music and modern music presentations. What’s more, she won the concerto competition in NSYSU and performed "Weber: Clarinet concerto No.2" and "Aaron Copland: Clarinet concerto for Strings and Orchestra" in the Kaohsiung Cultural Center. And in the field of chamber music, she also won the first prize in the Southern District of the National Music Competition for 2 consecutive years. In 2021, she performed "Ante Grgin: Conertino for Clarinet and Winband" with KSHS Alumni Wind Orchestra.
Wan Chin Yang is currently active in southern Taiwan as a conductor, clarinet teacher, and performer. She is teaching in Kaohsiung Senior High School Wind Ensemble, Yangming Junior High School, Fongsi Junior High School, Nanzih Junior High School, Yingming Junior High School, Da Ciao Junior High School, Ba-Gua Elementary School, Lin-Yuan Elementary School, and Dong-Guang Elementary School. In addition to teaching school-age students, she has also promoted clarinet learning for the trend of increasing elderly population. In addition to being an official member of the Kaohsiung City Wind Orchestra, she is also a member of the "Virtue Clarinet Quartet”, actively participating in various performances.